Teaching English for children, teacher should know about what children age; characteristics are, and have knowledge on psychological children development and psychological children learning development, so the teacher can help the children acquiring the language.
Every age of children has different characteristics, each level of age is different, it shows that the methodology of teaching English for children is different from each level.
The children’s characteristics are:
Ø They can talk about what they are doing
Ø They can tell about what they have done and heard
Ø They can plan activities
Ø They can understand direct human interaction
Ø They are not able to understand grammatical roles.
Ø They talk in their mother tongue about what hey understand.
Ø They are comfortable with routines and enjoy repetition.
From the characteristics above teacher should try to find the best methodology and create interesting and varied activities helping children who is different from adult, the characteristics of good English teacher are:
Ø Creative (can make interesting and varied activities)
Ø Be a good listener/ respectful( give pay attention to the children who talk or speak)
Ø Patient( not
Ø Like pupil equally
Ø Have sense of humour
Ø Communicative
Ø adaptable
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